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Meine Reisen zu den Leuchttürmen in den USA



1999 Washington                Lights of the Olympic Coast
2000 Die Reise entlang der Pacifcküste Washington und Oregon
2000 Washington Lights of the Pacific Coast
2000 Oregon Lights of the Rocky Shores 
2000 Die Reise entlang der Pacifcküste Nordkalifornien
2000  Northern California Lights of the Redwood Coast
2000  Die Reise entlang der Pacifcküste Südkalifornien
2000 Southern California Lights of the Golden Shores
2000 Die Reise San Diego- Vancouver durchs Landesinnere
2004 Die Reise durch die Neuengland Staaten
2004 Maine Lights of the Eastern Coast
2004 Maine Lights of the Western Coast
2004 New Hampshire Lights of the Freedom's Shores
2004 Massachusetts Lights of the Freedom's Shores
2004 Rhode Island Lights of the Liberty Ladies
2004 Connecticut Lights of the Liberty Ladies
2007 Die Reise um die Great Lakes
2007 Minnesota Lake Superior
2007 Wisconsin Lake Superior
2007 Michigan Lake Superior
2007 Michigan Lake Michigan
2007 Michigan Lake Huron
2007 Wisconsin Lake Michigan
2007 Illinois Lake Michigan
2007 Indiana Lake Michigan
2007 Ohio Lake Erie
2007 Pennsylvania Lake Erie
2007 New York Lake Erie
2007 New York Lake Ontario
2014 New York, Stadt Atlantik und Hudson